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Thank you for your Purchase!

Your transaction has been completed.

If you purchased a SEASON permit the permit/boat/Outings Secretary will pop it in the post for you, but you can fish before receiving it using the PayPal purchase receipt email as your permit if anyone asks.

If you purchased a DAY/WEEK permit please use your PayPal receipt as your permit

It will only be valid for the day of purchase or for week permit start date for week is day of purchase.

If you purchased a BOAT booking, you will receive a confirmation email of your booking details.  However, if the Permit/Boat Secretary has not contacted you with boat code within a day of your booking you will need to contact them to get the oar padlock code the day before use, either using comments field below or telephone/text/email details at bottom of this page.

Also could you please let the secretary know if you have TRIED to fish for Salmon/Sea Trout even if you were not successful in catching any by email/text/phone the dates of fishing - this is a requirement of MARINE SCOTLAND.


Thanks for your purchase

For advice or information contact the Association        Water Warden: 07719553200  /  email:

                                                                                                Permits/Boat/Outings Secretary:   07742497571 / email:

                Secretary: 07564 745294  /  email:

                      Treasurer: 07564 745294  /   email:

Please note the Association is kept going on a day to day basis by the Association secretary only on a part time basis and is unavailable on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday's until after 5pm & until after 1pm Fridaysdue to working for the NHS (may also be other days if doing overtime).  Weekends can also be busy so may take a wee while to get back to you if you leave a message.  if you email/text/fill in contact form below they will reply as soon as possible.        Last Update:  9 Feb 25

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